Sinusoidal PWM Generation for 3 Phase Inverter and RPM Measurement using Hercules TMS570LC43xx Launchpad


  • Yash Bamne
  • Shobhit Khandare


Hercules, Inverter, SPMW, eQEP, RPM


This project focuses on implementing a 3 phase Sinusoidal PWM generation using the Hercules TMS570LC43xx Launchpad Development Kit (Launchpad). The primary objective is to generate synchronized Sinusoidal nature PWM signals using the onboard High-End Timer (HET) and Enhanced Pulse Width Modulation (ePWM) module, which can be given to the Inverter for conversion of Direct current (DC) power into Alternating current (AC) power. This conversion is essential in various applications where AC power is required but the power source provides DC power. It is used in Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and other renewable energy installations. These systems generate power suitable for powering household appliances or feeding into the electrical grid. It is also used in electric vehicles (EVs) to drive the electric motor with variable speed. For verification of the wave nature, we have used an external lowpass filter (LPF) to transform the dynamic PWM signals into sinusoidal waveforms, ensuring compatibility with various applications like Inverters which can be further used in equipment and machinery such as Brushless DC motors, pumps and compressors. With the addon functionality to control the signal’s frequency which will be given to the Inverter to control the speed of the motor. Additionally, the project incorporates RPM measurement of the motor using an optical encoder setup interfaced with the Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) module on the Launchpad. This feature enables accurate measurement of rotational speeds, position and Revolution per minute (RPM), enhancing the functionality of the system in real world applications like the speed of conveyor belts and other automated transport systems. Through successful implementation, this project demonstrates wide control for the Inverter, achieving reliable synchronized 3 phase signals with its variable speed having 120-degree phase shift signals alongside precise RPM measurement. The project highlights the Launchpad’s capabilities in handling complex signal processing tasks essential for modern power electronics applications. Looking forward, this project establishes a foundation for future enhancements and innovations in power electronics.




How to Cite

Bamne, Yash, and Shobhit Khandare. 2024. “Sinusoidal PWM Generation for 3 Phase Inverter and RPM Measurement Using Hercules TMS570LC43xx Launchpad”. The Edge Review Journal 1 (10).